Up-Coming Events
New HWMR is still available
A few copies of the new Holy Word for Morning Revival book and ministry magazine on “The Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings Vol. 1” are still available. We will begin selling Vol. 2 on Saturday, December 10th. See note below for purchasing HWMR.
12/8 BfA Bible Distr. & Gospel Outreach Fellowship
Please pray for the continued outreach in our area! The Lord has been blessing our time with His dear fresh presence, as well as many open and warm contacts. May the Lord cause the bible recipients to drink the River of His pleasure, and be added to the church. We invite you to join our Thursday night times of prayer & coordination from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the following Zoom room:
Zoom ID: 894 4952 9168