
Announcements for the Week of Feb. 19, 2023

Feb. 19 - International Chinese Speaking Conference

 There will not be a gathering at the Long Beach Meeting Hall on February 19th.  The saints are encouraged to attend the Lord's Table at the Ministry Conference Center at 9:30 am, and stay for the final meeting of the Conference.

Final Meeting Schedule:

	5th mtg:	Lord's Day, Feb. 19 	9:30 am

Translation: Those who need translation will need to download an app called "Listen Everywhere." You can download the app to either an Android phone or an iPhone. After installing the app, saints will need to be inside the Ministry Conference Center in order to connect with the server. When inside the room, connect to the Wi-fi network "Translation" and type in the password: "Translation." Open the Listen Everywhere app and then select the desired language. Saints should bring their own headphones or earbuds and may also want to bring an external battery pack if they will need to charge their phone. Those who need translation may also bring their own FM radio, headset, and extra batteries (you will not be allowed to plug in to an outlet).

Live Webcast Schedule: The last in-person meeting of the Conference will be streamed live at  The live webcast on the Lord's Day begins at 10:00 AM, not 9:30 AM.

Feb. 21 - Prayer Meetings

7:00 PM for LBCC (in person) & 7:30 PM for other districts over zoom.

Feb. 23 - BfA Bible Distr. & Gospel Outreach Fellowship

Please pray for the continued outreach in our area! The Lord has been blessing our time with His dear fresh presence, as well as many open and warm contacts. May the Lord cause the bible recipients to drink the River of His pleasure, and be added to the church. After the week of the semi-annual training, we invite you to join our Thursday night times of prayer & coordination from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the following Zoom room:

Feb. 26 - Small Group Lord's Table

The Lord's Table meeting on February 26, 2023, will be with your small group.


  1. Thursday Night College Meeting Dinners - The Spring semester is well under way. Please pray for our students and the new contacts to attend these gatherings. *Praise the Lord for His supply through all the members last semester!  All the prayers, food, and donations were a supply to all the students and the full-time team. There are still only  4 cooking teams that will provide 8 meals total. Again, this will not cover all the gatherings. If you are able to help, please contact Nicole Hernandez.  Ways to help:  Join a current team, donate money, and pray.
  2. 2022-2023 GTCA cities: Columbus, OH; Nashville TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; Tampa, FL; Virginia Beach, VA (need 30 in each city).
  3. The conflict in Ukraine - The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  4. A contract has been signed to have the entire roof sealed. We have visited facilities where this has been done and were pleased with the results. The work is anticipated to be performed early next year (roofing company scheduling). This will open the door for work on the inside of the hall to begin. Please consider caring for this work that will commence in earnest early this year.


  • HWMR, Week 3, Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ (ITERO Oct 2022)

  • Life Study of Pslams, Message 3 and 4

  • Hymn #546  (#255 in Spanish)  "I love the Lord / But with no love of mine"

  • Watch a Timely Speaking on the Crystallization Study of Romans, "The Gospel of God."



New Trainee Lunch Signup for Spring 2023 (Begins Feb. 26)

The sign-ups for the upcoming FTTA trainee lunches is now available and open using the following sign-up link:

FTTA Trainee Sign Up -- Spring 2023

March 5 - Corporate Lord's Table at the Hall

The next corporate Lord's Table at the hall will be on March 5, 2023.  The saints who take care of the other areas of service (ushering, music, children, Lord's Table preparation, etc.) should coordinate for serving on the Lord's Day.

For those who can not come in person, or who are experiencing any symptoms of sickness, please participate via the following Zoom room:

Zoom Meeting link:

Zoom ID: 835 3187 8719

It should be noted that this Zoom link is set up for viewing only of the in-person meeting at the meeting hall. For those participating via Zoom, please use the meeting hall coffee break time to prophesy with all the saints on the Zoom link, as you will have the ability to communicate with one another, but not with those who are "live" at the meeting hall.

Availability of the Holy Word for Morning Revival

Note: All English hard-copies are sold out. Please purchase electronic copies through Amazon. We are covering the October 2022 ITERO Training "Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ." Morning revivals in  Spanish are $6.


  • "Watchman Nee Seminar" - the insightful talk given by Jennifer Lin, the grand-daughter of of Watchman Nee's older sister was given Jan. 15, 2023, can be viewed at the link below:

The fellowship during this gathering focused on the matters of being constituted with the truth using the Life-studies as well as the Lord's move within the United States through migration. The co-workers who shared at this time include Minoru Chen, Curt Kennard, Ted Williamson, and Marty Robert. Relevant links mentioned during this fellowship are listed below:

Giving for Special Needs

Regarding the situation in the Ukraine and  any desire to participate in the care for the refugees, the recommendation is (in lieu of wire transfers) to give to the Lord's Move To Europe ( and designate it for the Ukrainian situation.